Support Us

Ensuring sustainability is a fundamental priority of any arts organisation, and as a relatively new organisation that aspires to becoming a permanent arts organisation in Parramatta,
it's not surprising that this is a key goal for River City Voices.
Since inception, River City Voices has been fortunate to secure funding from
the Federal (Creative Partnerships Australia), NSW State Government,
NSW Government through Create NSW, as well as City of Parramatta project grants.
This support has ranged from funds to purchase small infrastructure and audio equipment
to 12 month funding for projects and staff costs that helped see River City Voices through the disruptions and cancellations caused by COVID-19.
This type of funding is not guaranteed beyond each year or project, so we need YOU!
We have another exceptional year of artistic programs lined up for 2024 and with your help, RCV can continue to contribute to its community through delivering outstanding artistic events close to home!
Please consider making a DONATION

Australian Mutual Bank
River City Voices Public Fund
BSB: 611 100
ACC: 100287187
All donations above $2 are tax deductible.
In order to receive your donation receipt, please complete the form.


Tributaries - $2,000 +
John Hall Lawyers, Richmond
Ann Hordern
Inara & Seth Molinari
Casey Poon

Creeks - $1,000 +
Andrew Lau
Jason Coates
Streams - $500 +
Anon (3)
Schon G Condon
Andrew Christie
Wendy Hopley
Fiona Yue
Brooks - $100 +
Anon (14)
Danilo Acosta | Steven Adams | Richard & Diana Bayley
Grace Bondoc | Leonie Cambage | Jean Callaghan | Don Church
Maragret Chu | Clint Cochrane | Lisa Cooper | Maria Costello | Maureen Dolle | Peter Dolle | Catherine Dolle-Samuel
Sarah El-Khansa | Louise & Adam Galea | Philip Gerber
Prue Gibbs | Beatrice & Miguel Gomez | David Hoffmann
Deborah Howitt | Jennifer Indsto | Ian Jenson | Morris Johnston
Natalie Jurasic | Laima & Ivars Karklins | Geoff Lamperd
Ros Lenehan | Christine Logan | Robin MacKenzie-Hunter
Kate Mannix | Angela Ngu | Michael O'Brien | Mathisha Panagoda Bonnie Pang | Judy Pettingell | Daniel Placido | Wendy Robinson Robert Samuel | Nicole Senior | William Soper | Isabelle Taye
Ben Thurley | Fiona Toose | Ingrid Turner | Geneva Valek
Diana Weston & Dr Paul Ryan | Helen White | Hester Wilson
Liz Wilson | Dominic Wong | Helen Yiu
Anon ( 31)
Skye Andrew | Jeanette Antrum | Russell Ashley
Jake Ausburn | Graham Baker | Jennifer Baker
Franca Barraclough |Stephen Bowness | Patrick Boyle
Darcy Burke | Annette Buterin | Candida Carr | Catherine Carr Josephine Chan | Anthony Chen | Agnes Chiu | Cheryl Collins Marilyn Cook | Vonda Copleston | Fiona Cox | Carole Cusack Lachlan Drummond | Owen Elsley | Breann Fallon
Marketa Felerova | Karl Fetterplace | Warwick Fyfe
Natalia Gabriel | Anthony Gerber | Andrew Graham
Peter Gurrier-Jones | Karl Hand | Chris Harvey | Anne Hines Marie Hotschilt | Daniel Hurrell | Diana Jefferies
Anthony Joseph | Melinda Kane | Nerissa Karklins
Karen Kingham | Ben Lai | Leonard Lau | Virginia Leghorn Amisone Lele | Robert Love | Malcolm McPherson | Mel Mel Harriet Mestitz | Steve Meyerink | Anita Molinari | Lily Molinari
Kristofer Morgan | Adelle Nassif | Tim Ngui | Giang Nguyen
Scott Nicholson | Toni O’Brien | Andrew O'Connor
Phreciosa Patacsil | Allan & Ann Piper | Nagashree Rao Barbara Rose | Kelly Ryan | Dagmar Sagar | Blake Sammut Alex Siegers | Jo-Anne Stavely| Naomi von Senff
Marie Senior | Ridwan Setiawan | Paul Smith
David Somerville | Tilly South | Koen van Stade | King Tan
Julie Tonowicz | Hiroko Uchihara | Glenn Waworuntu
Michael West | Hendy Widjaja | Liz Woo | Eric Yang